I'm certain that many on the eve of the New Year watched fireworks, lit fireworks, played with fire or simply stayed up to countdown to 2012 in various stages of revelry.
I did no such thing.
I did, however, watch with great delight, my 4-year old's version of the chicken dance. And that was the best cheer I'd received all day! I want to say for the whole year too but that would just make me sound seriously pathetic. Only a parent can vouch that nothing is funnier than the unadulterated spin the 4-year old put on the old chicken dance. She wore her pink winter gloves on her feet and proceeded to shake her little bottom and flap her folded arms in chicken style. I tell you, it was amusing and not to say the very least, cute-to-the-core!
As opposed to my 4-year old, who remained light-footed on slippery glove-socks, my New Year's Eve started on the wrong foot.
I had a bee in my bonnet to clean, de-clutter and simplify. The kids' bathroom sink looked like a vigorous campaign for Crest toothpaste-meets-paint-job, and sticky, minty mouthwash streaked the counter tops along with strands of hair and mangled dental floss in creepy clumps lay on the tiled floor. Don't even get me started on the toys, books and numerous small headless parts that were scattered throughout each living space.
My New Year's Eve was in shambles and there was no way I was going to ring in the New Year faced with domestic eye-sore.
Someone had to die to torture my eyes like such.
I yelled, stewed and hoped-as-hell that I'd channeled several demons in my 5ft 1 frame that would terrify my kids into cleaning up and/or at least pussy foot around me that morning while the dark cloud shrouded my thoughts.
Thankfully, the mood lifted after the house was restored to some form of Zen-like calm. Then, I had time to think about the approaching year and caught myself going into a slight panic attack about upcoming deadlines the day I return to work.
Must....not....think... about...deadlines...
I thought about achievements of 2011 and then cackled to myself and decided to ground myself in reality. My achievements might include modest efforts like being able take a breath and count to 10 (not 5) before yelling at my kids to clean up, or efficiently darting my "killer-Mom-eyes" look in public and have them not touch everything on the shelves or maintaining composure when my 10-year old goes on an argumentative banter.
I might pat myself on the back for such small achievements but my kids, on the other hand, are constantly reaching and achieving new goals. I'm constantly in awe of them and bath in their exuberance, confidence and love.
2011 knows that I've achieved a big fat zilch but I think my glass is still pretty darn full enough to see me through another year of unknowns and adventures.
Happy New Year everyone! I leave you snapshots of 2011.
Granddad visited from Australia in July and was immediately invited to tea and biscuits with Sophie. |
Summer vacation with the grandparents in Toronto, Canada. |
View from the top of CN Tower, Toronto. |
Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal, CA. |
Lighted candles, Notre-Dame Basilica. |
Adventures of the foursome in Montreal. |
Brotherly tickles never tire. |
More of the fantastic four. |
Proof that Aidan sleeps anywhere. |
Behold, my mid-life crisis ride in Montreal! |
Enjoying the last night of Nana's company. |
And when work took me to Corvallis twice this year, I visited the enchanted woods in Multnomah, Oregon. |
Fall wasn't as spectacular in Oregon but here was evidence of some dramatic foliage. |
Multnomah waterfall, OR. |
View of Multnomah falls, OR. |
Halloween. We went as ourselves. |
My eldest turned 10 this year. He's got to stop doing that. |
Sean's 10th birthday celebration. |
More of the same celebration. |
And as luck would have it, we did get to see Paul and Holly again. We spent Thanksgiving with them in Connecticut. |
Monique and her fall bouquet. |
My boys. What would my life be without them? Less crazy. |
Walking in Simsbury, CT with the Ross-Sipes family. |
Waiting in CT. |
Sophie in her ice-hockey mask on the ice rink. |
The Elf-on-the-shelf kept watch on the kids. |
Leaving out milk, cookie and a peppermint stick for Santa. |
"Oh Christmas tree" |
That's us! |