On Saturday morning, I took the boys for a haircut at the barber shop along Corning's main street. I didn't get to pick my preferred barber but accepted the offer of the 2 available barbers. Aidan picked the white-bearded chap bearing slight resemblance to Santa Claus with a sunny disposition. While Sean chose the gray-haired lady with the ultra-short unflattering hairstyle. That in itself should have rung alarm bells but I swear multiple pregnancies later, my brain cells don't fire up as rapidly.
Fifteen minutes later, my boys looked like this.
I thought Aidan's haircut was alright but Sean's haircut looked like he'd gotten the quintessential bowl cut. The hubs said it reminded him of Jim Carey's character in "Dumb and Dumber" .
This just further proved to me that I should never trust a lady to cut hair.
Perhaps you think me as biased and prone to sweeping statements but who can blame me when the first lady who'd cut my hair --and for far too many of my growing up years, (yes, you Mother dear!) -- made me famous for trendsetting the look below.
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